Lots of people we chatted to discovered Poland for very first time at the fair. It got us thinking about another wonderful mag with equally spectacular cover designs;The Ambassador. It's a bit like the British equivalent of Poland albeit textile-based.
The Ambassador was in fact first published by advertising manager Ludwig Katz in The Netherlands under its original name, International Textiles. After two separate issues were produced under the same name simultaneously in The Netherlands and Britain during the Second World War, in 1946, the British version changed its nameand the original International Textiles continued in The Netherlands. Here are some pics with both titles from our archive, feast your eyes!
A mini collection of International Textiles published out of Amsterdam well after the Second World War. They're all illustrated covers by the most influential fashion illustrator of the 20th Century, none other than, Sir René Gruau. Just look at that red fringing, divine!
The Ambassador after the name change. Still looked great, no? Much like Poland, it was translated into a number of different languages and promoted British fashion fabulously with its creative approach to design and editorial content. We could look at those covers all day long!
Would you like to add any of the above magazines to your collection? Or start a collection? They are all available to buy from our online shop www.elegantlypapered.com
We have over 35,000 vintage magazines in our archive - our online shop is only a very small part of what we have available. If there's anything you need, don't be afraid to get in touch, you'd be amazed at some of the things we can unearth!
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